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bulletproof vest 예문


  • Which means that you are my bulletproof vest!
    그건 네가 나의 방탄조끼라는 거야
  • No, you don't have a bulletproof vest.
    아뇨 방탄복은 입을 수 없어요.
  • Bulletproof vest and blood packs.
    방탄 조끼와 혈액 팩들.
  • Because I don't have a bulletproof vest and I don't have a gun!
    난 방탄조끼도 없고 총도 없으니까!
  • Bulletproof vest? How did you know?
    방탄조끼잖아 어떻게 아셨어요?
  • I'm afraid that a bulletproof vest... isn't enough to ensure that you have a future.
    방탄조끼 입었어 방탄조끼 하나만으로는
  • There's not going to be a bulletproof vest, and nobody is going to know that you had anything to do with this.
    방탄조끼 따위도 없을 것이며 아무도 모른다는 거예요. 그래서 여러분은 딱히 할게 없는 겁니다.